Prior to the implementation of arbitration procedures, the parties may at any time seek to settle any dispute in accordance with the AFA Mediation Rules.
1°) The parties may provide the following mediation clause:
Any dispute arising out of or in connection with the present contract shall be submitted to mediation
in accordance with the Association Française d’Arbitrage Mediation Rules (1).
2°) The parties may also choose the following clause which combine mediation and arbitration:
Any dispute or disagreement arising out of or in connection with the present contract shall be submitted to mediation
in accordance with the Association Française d’Arbitrage Mediation Rules(1).
In the absence of agreement within six months following the appointment of a mediator, the parties agree on settling the disagreement
in accordance with the Association Française d’Arbitrage Arbitration Rules.
3°) In any cases, including in the absence of mediation agreement, the parties wishing to use mediation may sign a report on the implementation of mediation.
Report on the implementation of mediation
Between …
And …
Hereinafter «Parties»
Statement of contractual relations and litigation
The parties agree on submitting their dispute to a mediator nominated in accordance to the AFA Mediation Rules(1). He has to assist them in reaching an agreement.
In accordance to these rules, it is understood that de mediation will be strictly confidential. The Parties and the Mediator will not disclose any information, written and oral communications, any draft resolutions provided to them in the course of or for the purposes of the mediation. They undertake not to rely at a later stage, in the course of arbitration or judicial proceedings, on information or documents obtained during the mediation process.
Date and place of the agreement
Signature of Parties
(1) Headquarters : 8, avenue Bertie Albrecht, 75008 Paris, FRANCE