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Arbitration costs

Scale of arbitrator’s fees and AFA administrative expenses

Sum in dispute per tranche Administration expenses A.T.’s fees (2-3)
Minimum Maximum(4)
Less than € 50.000 € 1.500 (1) € 6.000 40 %
from € 50.000 to € 250.000 1,8 % 5 % 12,5 %
from € 250.001 to € 1.500.000 0,75 % 2,5 % 3,5 %
from € 1.500.001 to € 12.000.000 0,10 % 0,4 % 0,8 %
from € 12.000.001 to € 45.000.000 0,025 % 0,2 % 0,3 %
Up to € 45.000.001 0,01 % with € 50.000 maximum 0,01 % 0,04 %

(1) Where the amount in dispute is less than € 50.000 and there is a sole arbitrator, administrative expenses shall be reduced by half.

(2) Unless otherwise provided, where the Arbitral Tribunal comprises three arbitrators, the Arbitration Committee shall apportion 40% of the arbitrators’ fees to the President, and 30% to each of the arbitrators.

(3) The Arbitral Tribunal’s expenses shall be reimbursed to the arbitrators by the AFA, against receipts, and drawn if necessary from a supplementary advance.

(4) Where there is a sole arbitrator, the fees of the maximum scale shall be reduced by one third.

The amounts referred to in this scale are exclusive of tax.