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Category: Actualités
> Workshop of arbitral practice – Comité Français de l’Abitrage – December 4th, 2014
The next workshop of arbitral practice organized by the Comité Français de l’Arbitrage will take place on Thursday, December 4th, 2014 at the Palais de Justice in Paris on the theme ” The binding force of the arbitration rules”. This workshop is a part of a cycle on arbitration proceedings, led by the workgroup ” Arbitrage interne ” and chaired by Mrs. Henri-Jacques NOUGEIN and Jacques PELLERIN. Workshop is free of charge – registration by email :
> A.F.A.’s Pratical case, depht training 2014
A.F.A. organizes a new session on in depht formation which will take place over 2 days, on December 1st and 2th, 2014 at La Maison du Barreau in Paris. This formation, around a practical case, will allow participants to discover all essential tools necessary to conduct an international arbitration successfully. Download program and registration form.
> Wake up (with) Arbitration ! 27 November 2014
The next breakfast debate & discussion “Wake up (with) Arbitration!” will take place on 27 November 2014. As a reminder, the topic is “Quantification of damages: is there ONE good method?”, with Juliette FORTIN & Jérôme ORTSCHEIDT.
> Colloquium of the Comité Français de l’Arbitrage – November 21st, 2014
On Friday, November 21st, 2014 at the Maison du Barreau in Paris, the Comité Français de l’Arbitrage will organize its annual colloquium on the theme “The assessment of injury by the arbitrator”, under the direction of Sir Professor Charles JARROSSON, board member of AFA, and Mister Anton of FEUARDENT (Office of expertise Fair Links). Download program and registration form.
> 6th National Convention of Lawyers – October 28 on 31st, 2014
The 6th edition of the National Convention of Lawyers, “Lawyers, actors of future”, will be held in Montpellier from 28 till 31 October 2014. Mr Bertrand MOREAU, President of the Committee of arbitration of A.F.A. and Mr Pierre DUPREY, Board member of A.F.A., will intervene on Wednesday, October 29th from 4:30 pm till 6 pm in the Round Table on “The development of arbitration for internal disputes “, contucted by Ms Catherine LESAGE, former President of the Nantes Bar, and with Professor Thomas CLAY and President of the Bar Alain HOLLANDE. Find the work program here.
> 5th Edition of Study Days Mohand Issad – October 19th and 20th, 2014
The Association of Lawyers for a Plural Bar and World Trade Center-Algéria will organize October 19th and 20th, 2014 in Algiers, 5th edition of Study Days Mohand Issad on arbitration, under the scientific direction of Mr Amina ISSAD, Professor Ali BENCHENEB, Mr Robert GUILLAUMOND and MrRabah HACHED, and with the cooperation of Comité Français de l’Arbitrage and of Association Française d’Arbitrage. Click here to read the program.
> Conference of the European Centre of Arbitration and Mediation – October 18th, 2014
The European Centre of Arbitration and Mediation and the International School of Arbitration and Mediation of Europe, the Mediterranean and Middle East organise with the cooperation of the School of Law of the University of Toulouse 1 Capitole, the 8th edition(publishing) of the Annual Mediterranean and Middle East Conference which will take place in Toulouse on Saturday, October 18th, 2014 : “Lex Euro-Mediterranea and the advantages and disadvantages of Court proceedings vis a vis Arbitration”. Download the program and registration form.
> Communication of the Comité Français d’Arbitrage – October 16th, 2014
“The foreign arbitration award in regard to the French law“, will be the subject of the communication of the Comité Français de l’Arbitrage which will take place, with Professor François-Xavier TRAIN, on Thursday, October 16th, 2014 from 6 pm to 8 pm to the Palais de Justice in Paris. Compulsory registration by e-mail :
> Conference of the Morrocan Court of Arbitrage – October 14th, 2014
The Morrocan Court of Arbitrage and the Institute for the Promotion of Arbitrage and Mediation in the Mediterranean (ISPRAMED) invite you to the international Conference which will be held on the occasion of the fifth Reunion of the Network of Arbitration Centers of the Mediterranean, on October 14th, 2014 in Casablanca, on the subject : “The selection of the arbitrator: the key to an effective procedure”. Click here to download the program. Click here to download the registration form.
> A.F.A. think tanks
A.F.A ., as part of its action to promote arbitration, set up discussion groups open to its members, in order to improve, if possible, the access and the practice of arbitration. The first theme for reflection, The consolidation of related arbitrations, is led by Mr Jérôme ORTSCHEIDT, Lawyer. The first meeting of this group took place on September 12th, 2014 at the Maison du Barreau in Paris. The second theme, The decisions of the arbitration Committee, is managed by Professor François-Xavier TRAIN. The first meeting of this group has been hold on October 9th, 2014 at the Maison du Barreau in… Continue reading > A.F.A. think tanks
> Wake up (with) Arbitration ! 30 September 2014
The next breakfast debate & discussion “Wake up (with) Arbitration!” will take place on 30 September 2014. As a reminder, the topic is “Is it possible to reduce costs without sacrificing the quality of the arbitration?”, with Marie Danis & Jalal El Ahdab.