The next workshop of arbitral practice organized by the Comité Français de l’Arbitrage will take place on Thursday, April 16th, 2015 at the Palais de Justice in Paris on the theme “Disclosure obligation: practical aspects for arbitrators and parties“. This workshop is a part of a cycle on arbitration proceedings, led by the workgroup “Arbitrage interne” and chaired by Mrs. Henri-Jacques NOUGEIN and Jacques PELLERIN. Workshop is free of charge – registration by email :
Category: Actualités
> A.F.A.’s Pratical case, depht training 2015
A.F.A. organizes a new session on in depht formation which will take place over 2 days, on April 13th and 14th, 2015 at La Maison du Barreau in Paris. This formation, around a practical case, will allow participants to discover all essential tools necessary to conduct an international arbitration successfully. Download program and registration form.
> 40th Colloquium of Association Droit & Commerce – April 10th and 11th, 2015
The Association Droit & Commerce will organize its 40th Colloquium on April 10th and 11th, 2015 to Deauville on the theme « Manifesto for an open and realistic economic law », under the scientific direction of Madam Sylviane PERUZZETTO, Professor at the University of Toulouse 1 Capitol. Download program and registration form.
> Wake up (with) Arbitration ! 9 April 2015
The next breakfast debate & discussion « Wake up (with) Arbitration! » will take place on 9 April 2015. The topic is « The Secretary to the Arbitral Tribunal: the 4th arbitrator? », with Marie-Laure Bizeau and Jean-Yves Garaud.
> Institut PRESAJE – March 21st, 2015
In his round of Law and Justice in renaissance, the Institut PRESAJE invites you on March 21st, 2015 at Amboise in the colloquium, « The Europe of the Law to Global Companies », in which many members of A.F.A. as well as Madam President AUGENDRE will testimony all along the day. Download program. Contact Marie ROUGIER-PERRIER – Registration onénements-Actualités
> Colloquium of CRJFC – March 12th and 13th, 2015
On March 12th and 13th, 2015, at Besançon, The Legal Research Center and the Master in business law at the University of Franche-Comté, the Legal Research Center of markets and investments and the Comité Français de l’Arbitrage will organize a colloquium on the theme « To a lex mediterranea for investments in the Union for the Mediterranean countries : Harmonisation of substantive law and dispute resolution process », under the direction of Sir Professor Filali OSMAN. Download program and registration form.
> University of Rouen – Faculty of law – February 13th, 2015
Chaired by Madam President Geneviève AUGENDRE, will take place on February 13th, 2015 the conference on the « Current events of alternative modes of conflicts resolution » organized by the UFR of the University of Rouen. Mr Noël MÉLIN, Secretary-General of the A.F.A., will present the current events of the mediation. Download program. Contact : Professor Jean-Philippe DOM –
> Wake up (with) Arbitration ! 4 February 2015
The next breakfast debate & discussion « Wake up (with) Arbitration! » will take place on 4 February 2015. The topic is « Do arbitrators lack courage ? », with Christine Guerrier & Elie Kleiman.
> First academic year of the University Degree in Arbitration Law online
The University Degree in domestic and international Arbitration Law of the Faculty of Law of Montpellier, co-managed by Lawyer Caroline DUCLERCQ and Professor Carine JALLAMION, started on January 20th, 2015. The first promotion, “Serge Lazareff”, gathers 80 students of 10 different nationalities. Teachings, exclusively online, are provided by 45 practitioners and professors of arbitration, both French and English. The A.F.A. is institutional partner of the University Degree in Arbitration Law. Site of the DU DROIT DE L’ ARBITRAGE
> Option Finance – January 29th, 2015
The group Option Finance organized January 29th, 2015 in Paris, with editorial staff of Option Droit & Affaires, « The meetings of arbitration and litigation ». These brought together around business leaders and legal directors of companies, players in arbitration, mediation and litigation. Click here to read the Feedback on these first meetings of arbitration and litigation. Click here to read the program.
> Colloquium of Comité Français de l’Arbitrage and Comitê Brasileiro de Arbitragem – January 23rd, 2015
On January 23rd, 2015 at Paris, the Comité Français de l’Arbitrage and the Comitê Brasileiro de Arbitragem will organize their second colloquium on the theme “Confidentiality and transparency in the arbitration law”, under the direction of Sir Professor Jean-Baptiste RACINE. Download program and registration form.
> Ethics in the conduct and the management of the arbitration by Jalal EL AHDAB
Fifteen french centers are now combined into the Fédération des Centres d’Arbitrage, created in the initiative of the A.F.A. in 2012, to share their experiences and to promote the institutional arbitration. The first objective of the Federation was the research for an ethics common to the players in the arbitration and the elaboration of Ethical Arbitration Charter. Building on these works, Attorney Jalal EL AHDAB, Vice-President of the Scientific Council of Centre de Médiation et d’Arbitrage près la CCFA, has written an article on the theme « Ethics in the conduct and the management of the arbitration », which enunciates the further… Continue reading > Ethics in the conduct and the management of the arbitration by Jalal EL AHDAB