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Lettre AFA n°31 | Mai 2021

A lire : Quels défis pour l’arbitrage international ? de Pierre TERCIER, professeur émérite. Lire la Lettre de l’ AFA n°31

Webinar – Cybersecurity: Legal Responses to Increasing Threats

A conference for lawyers and anyone interested in cybersecurity, with some prominent experts in the field. Thursday 6 May 2021 10h00 – 12h00 CET Viral threats, ransomware takeovers, stolen data, and system shutdowns… cyberattacks against law firms, legal institutions, companies, and states are on the increase, leading to a new era of cybersecurity. Come and join us in this Webinar discussing the different challenges, including legal ones, linked to cybersecurity, the currently available remedies as well as future projects looking to guarantee cybersecurity during proceedings. PROGRAMME ET INSCRIPTION